The Expanded or Transpersonal being goes beyond the dualistic ego to the
mystic and the cosmic states of existence. This is the state of
consciousness that one must pass through in order to attain realisation.
It has been given various names in different philosophies and cosmologies.
In Ken
Wilber's involution-evolution
psychology this stage would seem to include the "Centauric",
Subtle" and "High
Subtle" stages. More on this stage follows.
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But from the perspective of the ordinary consciousness this is a cosmic exansion and awakening, which we can call Expanded Consciousness. Here the consciousness moves beyond the boundaries of the individual's own limited sphere, and become seemingly universal in extent.
Different esoteric techniques enter this consciousness from different directions.
The path of Patanjali Yoga, Buddhist meditation, and similiar systems constitute a dual movement of inwardness (from Outer to Inner Being) and expansion (from Dualistic to the Cosmic) in the Mental body of Physical existence. During deep meditation the mind is stilled and consciousness expands until it becomes potentially limitless (this is the next stage - the Cosmic).
Tantra in the true sense, as opposed to the degenerate Western sex-aid spin-offs, constitutes the inner and expansive development of the Etheric body. Through these techniques, one moves beyond the Dualistic state through the awakening of the latent Shakti power (or kundalini) within each individual, and culminating in the attainment of Cosmic or Universal Shiva-Consciousness. Taoist practices of Internal Alchemy (nei-tan), Natha Tantra, and Tibetan Buddhism also incorporate these dimensions of being.
The Magical path of the Western Hermetic
tradition constitutes the development of a Psychic Expanded
Consciousness. It is in fact impossible to have any really dramatic and
important occult-magical experiences unless you attained, or at least tapped
into, the Transpersonal-Psychic state. But unlike the above Oriental
yogas, there is no specifically Inward movement. In fact, Magic by its
very nature is an Outward-directed phenomena. Some occult traditions
remain at the inner Outer Being level, whilst others such as Chaos Magic and
Kenneth Grant's Maatian approach tend more and more to the Outer dimension; the
primordial chaos beyond the cosmos.
Physical Shuddhashuddha Gods are the gods behind matter or the world of nature, which is self-contained and evolutionary. Some of these pertain to the descent or incarnation of higher principles, while others are native to the Physical Universe itself. There are many important Chthonic gods revealed in in mythology and religion; some being the source of life (e.g. the shamanic journey to the underworld, the resurrected Osiris, Christ's descent to the underworld, etc) and others the source of death (e.g. the Christian Devil, Rudolph Steiner's Ahriman, etc).
Psychic Shuddhashuddha Gods pertain to the "divinised" Psychic, as opposed to
the ordinary Psychic. This realm constitutes an Intermediate
Zone (to use a term of Sri
Aurobindo's) between the ordinary being and the true Spiritual-Divine.
In the Intermediate Zone are various orders of Psychic Gods, some native to the
Universe, whilst others are the result of higher resonances, e.g. Noeticised
Psychic. The existenec of these sometimes only partially or incompletely
divinised higher principles in the Astral
Psychic realms produces a mixture of Truth (the higher planes) and Falsehood
(the lower). If the Divine Light predominates, the result would be a God
on the Psychic plane. But if there is very little Divine Light and a great
deal of Astral
light, the result is a confused and misleading, pseudo-spiritual
Intermediate zone. This zone, especially taht part that I have termed the
has a tremendous magnetism and power, due to the bits of genuine spiritual Light
being vitalised by the Psychic nature. The forces and gods of this region
are often mistaken by the ignorant (and even sometimes by the relatively wise)
for the Supreme Godhead, and consequently worshipped. The great majority
of revealed religions actually derive from this Intermediate zone rather than
from the true Godhead. That is why religions and revelations are often so
full of stupidity, but also contain some spark of wisdom. The little
wisdom (or "universal truth") in them comes from the Divine planes,
while the great deal of stupidity and ignorance is from the Astral
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